Black Cat FC Announces Official start to Spring training.

March 5th. 2010
Indianapolis Black Cat FC start to Spring training on March 17, 2010.
IBCFC Begin the final portion of their preseason training as they prepare for thier first match on late April.
Head coach, Olegario Martinez, will direct the sessions, which will be held on the Suncrest field on Frankfort, from 7 to 9 p.m. every other week-day.
The training camp roster includes 28 players from Indianapolis, Frankfort, Lafayette,and Logansport.
"This is the start of a year of preparations for NPSL, and it is important that we get started off heading in the right direction," Martinez said.
Indianapolis Black Cat FC start to Spring training on March 17, 2010.
IBCFC Begin the final portion of their preseason training as they prepare for thier first match on late April.
Head coach, Olegario Martinez, will direct the sessions, which will be held on the Suncrest field on Frankfort, from 7 to 9 p.m. every other week-day.
The training camp roster includes 28 players from Indianapolis, Frankfort, Lafayette,and Logansport.
"This is the start of a year of preparations for NPSL, and it is important that we get started off heading in the right direction," Martinez said.